ConditioningSpecial Interviews
No.01Getting to Know Your Own Body.
Masumi Kuwata x Takeshi Suzuki. (R-body)
Masumi Kuwata had a long career as a top-level professional baseball player both in Japan and overseas. And now has retired from playing professionally, he says "My intention is not just to live a long life. I want to live a long life with a healthy body". To that end, he has kept on taking conditioning sessions to ensure he keeps his body in its best possible condition. In this interview, Mr. Kuwata is joined by Mr. Suzuki, the CEO of R-body, as they discuss a wide range of topics, including Mr. Kuwata's thinking on conditioning, the importance of athletic trainers, the education and development of competitive athletes in Japan, and much more.
No.02Raising the Profile of Japanese Athletic Trainers.
Kosuke Kitajima x Takeshi Suzuki. (R-body)
If you hear the name Kosuke Kitajima, what kind of image springs to mind? Well, the truth is that even back when the multiple Olympic gold medalist was still competing as a professional swimmer, he was also busy establishing Perform Better Japan PLC, a sports training seminar and training equipment supplier, with the aim of "raising the profile of the athletic trainers who support us athletes behind the scenes". Here Kosuke Kitajima talks with Takeshi Suzuki, the CEO of R-body, who is a close personal friend both publicly and privately. The location is the training area at the R-body Conditioning Center.